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Probiotics are the good bacteria in your intestines that:

  • Produce vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B12, and K;
  • Kill some of the disease-causing germs in your intestines;
  • Prevent bad bacteria (the bacteria that causes Candida, for example) from getting out of control;
  • And—some recent studies report—lower cholesterol and help in cases of irritable bowel syndrome (diarrhea, pain, and heightened food sensitivities).

After a great deal of research and three experiments on myself, I now recommend people take probiotics ("good" bacteria for your intestines) after they've finished breaking the cleanse. I've noticed that any cravings I've had for "bad" food after the cleanse disappear when I take the probiotics.

You can order probiotics from our web store by clicking here.

I believe there is a danger of losing too much of the "good" bacteria, especially if, like me, you've done several cleanses.

After many hours of research I settled upon 6 requirements for any probiotics I would recommend:

  1. Inexpensive
    It would be pointless to have the best probiotics in the world at a price most people can't afford. So, they have to be reasonably priced.
  2. Specific types of good bacteria
    Bifidobacterium Infantis is found in the intestinal tracts of healthy breast-fed infants and is therefore likely to be essential for proper health and digestion. Acidophilus, on the other hand, creates a strongly acid environment, which may be beneficial to control bad bacteria and yeast, but if used, needs to be followed with probiotics that create an alkaline environment. So, a "pulsed" delivery—first one, then the other—would give the advantages of both without neutralizing each other.
  3. A delivery method that gets the probiotics past the stomach acid to the intestines where they can go to work
    Stomach acid is meant to breakdown whatever is eaten. Probiotics live in the alkaline intestines and, as a rule, can't survive stomach acid.
  4. Have no need to be refrigerated
    Shipping these by refrigerated truck during the summer would be too expensive to benefit most people and not refrigerating them during summer heat is only practical if the probiotics are "temperature stable."
  5. Vegetarian capsules
    Even though I sometimes eat meat, I know from Dr. Joel Fuhrman and Norman Walker's writings along with The China Study on nutrition that vegetarians live longer and stay healthier than meat eaters. So, I wanted no capsules produced from boiled hoofs, sinews and tendons (gelatin).
  6. Contain the necessary probiotic "food" so the probiotics can multiply happily once in the intestines
    Scientists call this material "prebiotics" as it is a prerequisite for the probiotics. In addition to fueling growth for the probiotics, some prebiotics can also add fiber.

    After additional research, I found a line of probiotics that meets all the above requirements. I believe they are so important that I have them on sale in the Web Store.
Master Cleanse probiotics

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My purpose is to educate you on low- and no-cost ways others have achieved and maintained vibrant good health.

Because everyone's body is different, you must learn what will work for you. Like anything else, if you want it done right, you have to do it yourself.

Peter Glickman

Copyright © 2003 - 2011 Peter Glickman, Inc. All rights reserved

Federal Trade Commission guidelines for testimonials in advertising require that typical results must be clearly stated. Typical Master Cleanse results are weight loss. (Ten days on a 660 - 1320 calorie per day diet will do that.) Results vary. The statements and testimonials on this website have not been evaluated by any government agency and are not intended to medically diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Cleanse recipes are recommended based upon traditional wellness beliefs. Food, nutritional or other products are not offered to diagnose or prescribe for medical or psychological conditions nor to claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions, nor to recommend specific nutritional products as treatment of disease or to provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, or apply medical, mental health or human development principles, to provide diagnosing, treating, operating or prescribing for any human disease, pain, injury, deformity or physical condition. The information on this site is not a substitute for medical advice from your primary care physician. The advice and products that may be recommended are offered as therapies that may benefit normal structure and function only.